How to get your chickens to drink from a nipple water system


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
south shore mass
So I am getting my chickens soon and I want to make a nipple watering system beacuse it just seems like less to maintain. I was wondering how you train your birds to drink from them? Do u have to train them as chicks or do they kinda figure it out if u show then a few times. I am only getting 5 chickens and I wonder if it's worth it?

Nipple water systems are great. Less maintenance for sure.One way to get them to drink is to squeeze the nipple so a little water droplet shows, a chicken will come along peck at it and they'll get the idea soon enough.

HS Pye
I'm betting you do it just like you teach chicks how to drink. Take a chicken or two, put their beaks up to the nipple and let them get the idea that there's water there. Once they start using it, the others will mimic them.

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