How to handle moisture in coop


Oct 12, 2020
Columbia, SC
Rainy Day Update. Today I noticed that my chicks were not being as active as they usually are in the morning. They are under their heat cave instead of out eating and drinking. Upon further inspection, I noticed that some the their bedding was darker than other areas... which meant moisture. I moved it around to find that the bottom was wet, almost like it was being wet from underneath... which is weird since the floor doesn't sit on the ground; it is sits on blocks, so it about 6 to 8 inches up. I don't see an obvious source of the water from above. Do I need to replace the moist bedding? Maybe I can add a tarp on top in case the rain is coming in from there somehow... Just not sure where the moisture could be coming from.
If it was me, I would definitely replace the bedding, especially since you say your chicks are not displaying their normal behavior. Then I would move their pen somewhere else.

How old are these chicks? If they are still really young, they should be indoors, not outside. The garage is good.
It is still raining (drizzly right now) so I will not replace the bedding right now. When we get another downpour, I will go out and look inside to see if I can figure out where the water is coming from.
I'd love to see a photo of that. Probably would not be able to offer any real advice but you never know what someone might notice as a potential source for moisture. water can take strange paths if you have a leak. Or it could be condensation. Or maybe it is wicking up or plashing up from underneath.

As long as they have someplace dry to be they should be OK in the short term. One problem with a wet brooder or coop is that after a couple of days they can become unhealthy, even if it is only a part of that brooder or coop.
I'd love to see a photo of that. Probably would not be able to offer any real advice but you never know what someone might notice as a potential source for moisture. water can take strange paths if you have a leak. Or it could be condensation. Or maybe it is wicking up or plashing up from underneath.

As long as they have someplace dry to be they should be OK in the short term. One problem with a wet brooder or coop is that after a couple of days they can become unhealthy, even if it is only a part of that brooder or coop.
That splash-up is definitely a possibility a s rushing water is common during downpours. I will feel the walls to see if water is running down... and feel underneath too for wetness. Dang... it's always something...
I had wet areas in my coop where water could not have come in. It finally dawned on me that the floor, being a sheet of styrene, wasn't flat. So wherever water came in, it worked its way to the low spot. So your "leaking" spot may not be exactly where the damp spot is.
I had wet areas in my coop where water could not have come in. It finally dawned on me that the floor, being a sheet of styrene, wasn't flat. So wherever water came in, it worked its way to the low spot. So your "leaking" spot may not be exactly where the damp spot is.
Dang... another good point. The ground where my coop is located is on a downward slope. I did what I could to jack the side up, adding additional boards, slats, etc. But it is still not level. So you are probably right. Maybe I just need to drape it with tarp when it rains.

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