How to hatch call ducklings? ***Updated questions!****

Thanks! The eggs go into lockdown this evening. Should I stick to schedule and put them in lockdown or wait?
Thanks! The eggs go into lockdown this evening. Should I stick to schedule and put them in lockdown or wait?
If they are all looking really behind I would wait until I see an internal pip or hear peeping. If some look ready but others don't then go ahead & lock everyone down & just figure on the less developed ones taking several days or even up to a week longer than the rest.
I just candled my eggs and I think 15 out of the 16 are alive. None have internally pipped yet. Is that okay (it's day 23) ?
My eggs just went into lockdown :) I left the egg that looks dead in the incubator just in case because it isn't leaking or smelly. For the eggs with the saddle-shaped air cells I laid them on their side with the saddle shape facing up. Is this fine? Thanks!
ETA: The air cells in some of the eggs may be too big, but I'm not sure...
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My eggs just went into lockdown
I left the egg that looks dead in the incubator just in case because it isn't leaking or smelly. For the eggs with the saddle-shaped air cells I laid them on their side with the saddle shape facing up. Is this fine? Thanks!
ETA: The air cells in some of the eggs may be too big, but I'm not sure...
Give them a chance to pip on their own but watch them closely in case they don't progress or are internally pipped for more than 24 hours without making the external pip. Sometimes their tiny bills just can't reach the shell to chip it away, especially with wonky air cells.
I thought I wasn't supposed to open the 'bator in lockdown to check for internal pips....
I'm afraid that I think that most of the eggs are slowly developed... What should I do? Keep them in lockdown? I can post pics of how much the egg is filled if they're needed!
ETA: When I said that part of the egg wasn't filled up, I should've added that the part that isn't filled is the pointy tip if that helps.

Also, when should the eggs start to pip?
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