how to integrate chicks with an open door coop?


9 Years
Apr 20, 2015
corpus christi, tx 78413
My coop set up is totally open to the outside yard 7am to sunset. The one door is open all day long allowing access to the whole outside backyard. It's an automatic door.

I want to introduce my new chicks early to the flock. I'm wanting to put the brooder inside the coop. The problem is at some point I will have to open the brooder and let the babies start to integrate with the adults. At that point, there will be nothing to keep the babies from getting out of the coop and immediately into the yard.

My fear is that the babies will follow the adults out of the coop and into the yard too soon.

I suppose I could disable the door and let only the adults outside every morning. But then the adults would spend the whole day outside and the babies are stuck inside the coop and not truly integrate. And if I leave the adults locked up inside the coop they will be very, very unhappy and not sure how they would react to the babies in their locked-up anger. The coop is 6x12 but the adults will not tolerate being kept inside all day.


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After some see but don't touch, I would disable the door and keep the little ones in the coop for just a couple days, then let them out with the adults. That should train them to come back at night fall like the others. They will integrate outside just as well with more room to get away if things turn ugly.

How old are the chicks you are planning on integrating? If they are < 2 weeks, I would not put them out yet as they may not learn to come back as quick as they would if they were older. At that age they are also very fragile still and may easily be killed by grown hens.
they are 2 weeks old. the brooder is on the porch. I was gonna move the brooder into the coop with the adults and keep the brooder closed for another week or so. let them all see each other. Then open the brooder and let them roam into the open coop.
they are 2 weeks old. the brooder is on the porch. I was gonna move the brooder into the coop with the adults and keep the brooder closed for another week or so. let them all see each other. Then open the brooder and let them roam into the open coop.
Sorry for the delayed reply. If they are in the brooder that is in the coop for a week, I think they will have no problem returning if they decide to go outside. With my chicks, until they are 5 weeks or so they have no inclination to leave the coop, so they just hang out there while the adults are free ranging. Then, as they begin to explore the outside, they slowly start to mingle with the adults making integration very smooth. Obviously when both are inside there is some pecking going on, but it is not quite so severe.

After you release them from the brooder, will they still have access to a heat source? At 3 weeks they may not be feathered enough to keep warm at night.
the big coop is wired. lights, auto door, wifi cameras, auto food & water...thinking about cable TV for the girls...
Nice! I'm building my own auto door and after that is done will more on to automatic water. (Changing out their 5 gallon is getting a little old to say the least).

As long as they have a heat source they should be fine. I would continue releasing the adults as usual.

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