How to introduce a new Rooster to my current flock.


8 Years
Jul 8, 2011
Eastern Iowa
Im pretty new at the whole chicken thing. So this question may just sound silly to some but I have no clue. I have a flock of 7 girls, 5 Ameracuanas which are all 13 weeks old, a black sex link and an unknown which are 2 years. Tomorrow morning im going to my SIL's place and her friend is giving me a rooster. She said he is about a year and a half old. Im not sure how to introduce him to my girls. I, like im sure most of you, love my girls and don't want to see anything happen to them. I want to do it right. Please imput much appricated!

ETA: wrong age.
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I found the easiest way to do it is at night after they have gone to roost. Put the new roo in then. In the morning when they get up he's just another chicken and chickens can't count. They will have minor pecking order issues especially the roo and the head hen. Good luck
At 1 1/2 years, your new rooster should be mature and know how to treat ladies and youngsters. Maturity is the key. A rooster that age will be great. You should quarrentine him for a month to be sure no diseases are transferred either to him of from him. You can`t tell by looking. After the quarrentine period, just put him in with the girls. Watch them closely. Any skuffles should be minimal and he should dominate within minutes. Wish I was there. I love this part. Have fun........Pop
We did just that and he and my girls are happy Wooo!!

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