How to introduce duckling?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 3, 2013
How do I introduce a 2 day old mallard duckling to a female mallard? Do you think that if I introduced it at the right time the mom duck would accept it?
How do I introduce a 2 day old mallard duckling to a female mallard? Do you think that if I introduced it at the right time the mom duck would accept it?
She won't recognize it as her own unless she hatched it herself.But you could make a small fenced in area where you could keep the duckling inside their house and let them get acquainted through the fence. That way the duckling wouldn't get picked on. but also you have to take into consideration the temps too, if this duckling is younger than 4-5 weeks it probably still needs some heat if your in cold climate.
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I put the duckling in with the female this morning. She never got aggressive. The duckling caught on that the female was its mom and tried to get under her to get warm but the female acted scared and just ran away getting chased in circles by the duckling.
I put the duckling in with the female this morning. She never got aggressive. The duckling caught on that the female was its mom and tried to get under her to get warm but the female acted scared and just ran away getting chased in circles by the duckling.
So did she finally settle down and get use to the duckling?
I finally took the baby in because I didn't want it to get to cold. Do you think she would finally get used to the duckling?
We had several ducks hatch out at different times. When they were old enough to put outside, we just put them in the pen with the other ducks which were older, left them all in a pen together for about 4 or 5 days and when they all were let out into the yard and pond, they all hung around together. It seems like they bond together while in a pen. Some Pekins that I had could never get along and so we had to put two of them in a pen and leave the others out. When we got back from vacation one of the ducks had somehow gotten in the pen and so when we let them out they all got along. Amazing.
I finally took the baby in because I didn't want it to get to cold. Do you think she would finally get used to the duckling?
Jordan how old is your lil duckling? if it still needs heat then don't leave it outside hoping mama will take care of it, not worth it right now, once it gets feathered in then try introducing again Slowly.
The duckling is 5 days old. It was outside for a maximum of 10 minutes and I was watching it the whole time.

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