How to keep chickens cool in the heat. Tips wanted!

Yes we could be rightfully worried. Even though it takes some time out of my day to make sure my birds are ok, I do it because I didn't want to lose any of them. I believe I can attribute my recent pullet's death to trying to pass an egg while it was hot, and of course the nest box didn't make it any cooler for her. I spray their feet and get water in between their feathers. I wet their run down so if they try dust bathing they end up mud bathing, and they could wallow in a nice cool hole. I also give them some frozen treats every now and then such as yogurt or frozen sprouted wheat berries.
kind of off topic but I just wanted to say how friendly my girls have become since it's gotten so hot...........and I have white leghorns which says alot
I've been giving them frozen watermelon and ice in their water so now every time i walk outside they flock to me. They even let me pick them up. Before all this they would run from me and squawk whenever i tried to pick them up. I'm new to chickens and didn't know i could give them treats until i searched this site for tips on the hot weather. So, even tho I hate the heat, there is the proverbial 'silver lining' to it!
Here in Northeast Texas we are having brutal heat. The high today was 111 and that is not even the heat index, but the actual temperature. I have four barred rocks pullets that free range, and they spend a lot of time in my garage during the heat of the day because the garage has a cool concrete floor. They make a real mess, but I'd rather clean it up than have one of them die. I give them watermelon and other cool treats and put ice in their water. I also do a little something I call "chicken river," which is just laying the hose down in the yard and letting them wade around in the water. They LOVE this. The water scares up seeds and bugs, and I know it must help regulate their body temperatures to wade around in that cool well water. I know that they are somewhat stressed by the heat because they sometimes have the watery poop that indicates they are too hot and drinking a lot of water. I don't know what the limit is that they can't take it any more, but we've got 113 degrees predicted for one day this coming week, and it worries me.
It's been in the 100's every day for the past 29 days here in Texas, the high for tomorrow is 107!!!!! What we have been doing every day is watering down each yard in the afternoon, and even getting some of the chickens wet, (they love it!) we also put up lots of wooden boards for shade and redue ing their waterers twice each day to keep them cold and fresh, I have been looking for more ways to keep them cool because we have lost at least 4 chickens in July due to the heat
I love the "chicken river" idea.. great input. I sure hope there is some relief for you folks...I'm feeling guilty
sending you a cool breeze
nanawendy....glad you like the "chicken river" idea. I'm so dorky that I have a song that goes along with it that is a variation of Willie Nelson's "Whiskey River."

My little pullets have been free range for quite some time, but I've been keeping them in their run until the afternoon the last few days because I thought a couple of them might be getting ready to start laying, and I wanted them to learn to lay in their nest boxes and not under a bush in the yard. I've been letting them out in the afternoon when the heat gets really bad because I want them to be able to find the coolest spot they can. Anyway, I got my first egg this morning! I'm so excited!
My birds LOVE this too. I lay the hose down in one of their runs shady areas and they go to town, wading in the wet area (cool feet cools the body), play in it, drink from it, and all in all have one heck of a happy cool time in it.

I hope all goes well this week when the temps go into orbit.

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