How To Keep Chickens Out of Flower Beds and Gardens

I've got a little knee high plastic wire fence which is working great. Its low enough we can step over it but the chickens stay in. It was pretty cheap to put up too. Strangely if there is a gap they will wriggle under but they never fly over. I solved the wriggle under with a few tent pegs.

The wire is black and you don't really notice it. I do plan to paint the stakes holding it up black as well to hide them better as well.

At the moment I've got it set so they can range in the back of my garden and keep the weeds down under the shrubs but it keeps them off the front bit with the smaller plants and herbs.
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Eat the garden once, shame on you. Eat the garden twice, shame on me. If there's one thing I've learned twice now...chickens LOVE kohlrabi leaves. They ate the leaves until they were bare in just a matter of a couple minutes. Guess I know what I'm harvesting tonight.

I'm trying Pin Wheels, so far so good (day two). I had planted several trees which they proceeded to peck at, I've got pin wheels that I had use to keep birds from my plants. I've posted pictures, if you notice they are scratching to the far right of the pin wheels. Hoping this works until the trees are big enough ...
my little flock has discovered the raised rose beds, and they just love to dig big holes and dust bathe! There is one plant they seem to be fascinated with, but it is little more than a root at this point (I had removed the top earlier this year) I'm not sure if they like the root or the critters living around it. But the idea of putting rocks around the roses is a great one... I saw some roots exposed on one of my plants and wasn't sure what to do about it. Of course, I have to completely redo my drip system now that they have scratched it all to pieces...

ah, my first year with chickens... so much to learn!
We're having this problem with our NEIGHBORS chickens. They are destroying our garden and now digging up the front and side of the house where they are fluffing themselves in the dirt/mulch. I love my neighbors and the free eggs, but the chickens are annoying. You also have to watch where you walk because of the poop.
I bought some Moth Flakes (another form of Moth balls) to try. They say it works to keep cats out so I'll let you all know if it works with their chickens.
We're having this problem with our NEIGHBORS chickens. They are destroying our garden and now digging up the front and side of the house where they are fluffing themselves in the dirt/mulch. I love my neighbors and the free eggs, but the chickens are annoying. You also have to watch where you walk because of the poop.
I bought some Moth Flakes (another form of Moth balls) to try. They say it works to keep cats out so I'll let you all know if it works with their chickens.

Nicely tell your neighbors they need to keep their birds on their own property. You shouldn't have to tell them this, is should be basic animal responsibility, but the longer you let it go on, the more resentful you'll get and the harder it will be to deal with. It's not at all out of line to expect an animal owner to confine their animals to their own property.
Just keep them in YOUR yard and out of everyone else's. They are destructive so if you want the destruction fine. Just don't force them on others.

IMHO, 'free range chickens' are like 'free range dogs' - it's not healthy for the animal and it's a problem, even a hazard, for others.
I had a similar problem with my chickens and my deck, since my son got them use to come to the door and
pecking at it to treats they kept coming and hanging out in the deck and pooping on it. In order to teach them not
Be there i put a spray bottle with water by the door, every time i saw one on the deck i gave it a squirt of water, after
A week or so they stop hanging out on the deck, no more poop! I guess you could apply the same method a teach them
Not be be around your garden.

You can also use one of those motion detector sprinklers, they run about $50 in amazon.

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