How to lead a cow / calf elsewhere?


9 Years
May 31, 2015
North Wales, UK
My Coop
My Coop
Not cattle rustling honest - it seems one has just shown up in my front garden - ideally I'd get it through the gate into next doors field but I think if I leave that open I'll just end up with a herd - it seems a little skittish and I don't want to panic it. I do have a stretch of enclosed woodland I could lead it to until the farmer shows up tomorrow.


Unfortunately the field is rented and someone new has very recently taken it over and I haven't had the chance to chat to them and get their number yet.

Yes, I'm a cow newbie.
Most cattle can not be lead. That is something they are trained to do for show. Are you looking for the owner or do you know where it belong? Generally cattle have pretty good homing instincts and always have good herding instincts if you can head it in the right direction with a chase. Also most farmers won't wait till morning to get an animal if they know it's missing.
Hi, thanks for the reply.

I do know where it belongs as they are in a field directly adjoining us. I don't know the farmer unfortunately - he's only recently rented the field, I know he lives a couple of miles away but not exactly where - we briefly had a conversation but I didn't get his number.

Unfortunately my wife is out at the moment so it's just me so I didn't want to leave the gate open and try and chase it in case they all came in. I'll wait until she gets home.

It doesn't seem stressed, in fact it's been happily munching on weeds on my patio and now it's lying by the fence. edit - I said it was skittish previously, but I should have said a bit scared of me, it's fine when I'm not out there doing those noises you do to attract a cat :D

When it gets light I'll be inspecting the fences :)
Get a bucket with some feed in it. Shake it, and she'll follow you to the ends of the earth. I've used a bucket with rocks in it in a pinch.
Sorry for not updating last night - it was quite late by the time we got her back.

A bit of fence bodging required this morning! It's quite hard to see but the wire roll below has been snapped and pushed down.


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