How to let them free range and not get eaten?


10 Years
Apr 2, 2009
Hi there.

I have four hens now and will be getting four more in a couple of weeks. I would love to let my hens free range, but two problems arise. One, we have a lot of hawks in the area that would love to eat them if given the chance and two, we have woods on one side of our property (that does not belong to us) and neighbors on the other. I live on a very long skinny lot.

Does anyone have any ideas of how I could manage to pull this off, I know they would be much happier girls?

A lot of people suggest that moveable electric netting for poultry. Seems to be easy to fence them in an area and then move the fence from time to time. We are going to try it. Wouldn't do much good for hawks though. I plan on making sure they have some places to hide and then crossing my fingers because I hate to keep them in one place for very long. We will have small moveable coops as well. I'm sure there will be more suggestions from people further along than me in chicken keeping, I'll be watching this thread to see what ideas pop up.

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