How to make chickens lay in coop?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 27, 2012
My hens are free range and recently have been laying their eggs in hard to find places. How do I solve this? I've tried putting golf balls in the nest boxes but that didn't work. So how do solve this? Also, how long can eggs be left outside (I have a rooster) ? Thanks.
Have you made a point of showing your chickens their nest boxes, particularly when they're about to lay? Mine also free range, but when they were starting to lay (and wandering around trying to find a good hiding spot) I physically brought them to the nest boxes (which had a golf ball) and encouraged them to get comfortable there. One of them seemed to really not understand the nest box and kept wandering around outside, so I finally shut her in the coop for a few hours when I saw that she was about ready to lay, and she successfully laid her first egg in the box.
Don't free range them. Keee them locked up if you can, then they have no choice but to use the nest box. Once they get that into their silly heads then you can free range again. Many people will lock them in their coop (no access to run either) for a couple of weeks so they learn where home is. It's kind of hot right now so only do that if you can ensure they will stay cool enough in the coop.

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