How to make use of every part of the chicken?

I save the hands of the wings, legs and gizzard for the dogs.
I use hearts, liver, kidneys, testicles, and lungs for my breeding/layer chickens to eat (good animal protein!)
I use the bones/carcass for stock
The meat obviously for us as well

I have not yet found use of:
The intestines and head. I don't want to clean out the bowel, so I doubt I will end up ever making use of it.. I don't want my dogs eating intestines filled with poop. Now the head... would a dog eat it?

Note: Dogs can eat raw chicken without the bones splintering. It's the cooking that makes them splinter.
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Our dog loves the heads, along with the feet. He will hide the feet, and collect them as needed. It is fun to watch him haul them off as we are butchering, trying to find a different place to hide each one. The backs and necks get cooked down for stock and loose meat. That meat makes great enchiladas and chicken and noodles. We love the wings so much we have now started cutting them off the whole birds we freeze, as nobody here cares for the wings on a roasted chicken, but love them cooked on the grill. Makes them easier to get in the bag.
I eat what I can - use what I can for stock, and then feed most of what's left back to the birds. Anything else (feathers, etc) goes in the compost pile, where it gets reused for something else.
Missed seeing hand. Those get put in the pot for stock at our place. I'm sure the dog would love them, but he's not going to get them.

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