How to paint achickens in 10 easy steps!!!!!!!

I think I missed a few steps
The preliminary step is always the hardest to get because of its more technical nature. When we begin to lay the colors in things will be much easier. Painting, like anything else takes a lot of practice. I know how you all feel for I was once in your shoes, but I have doing this for over a decade now and it come naturally to me. Just hang in there.

by the way, my schedule has cleared for tomorrow, YAY. So be looking for some more lessons tonight or in the morning.
I guess you have to know how to draw first - maybe if I got a coloring book picture of a chicken I could learn to paint one from that since I can't seem to draw one.
whew, that is one good lookin chicken! The prelim. step is pretty difficult for any subject most especially when you are new, but take it from someone who has been painting birds for less than a year, and got a blue and 3rd place ribbon at the Ga National fair this year for painting exactly that, it just takes practice, I recommend attempting to sketch them before you attempt to paint. I always do composites of all my work before working on the actual canvas piece. Cant wait for lesson two! I am always up for a new technique!
if you can take a good picture of the bird you can put a template on the canvas with graphite paper, just trace the main parts......remember to tape the original on the canvas at the top so you can look at your work and not move the painting.
Just saying, that is how I do it.

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