How to prevent perching in specific area


11 Years
Apr 3, 2008
Missoula, Montana
I would like to prevent my birds from perching on the rafter above the heat light this winter, but I am not sure how to do it. It is the highest place in the coop, so I can see why they like it. But, it is also right above the light, so they poop on it and the poop cooks. Smells great, and is fun to clean. I want to make new perches below the lights for colder nights, but I know that they will not even try these out as long as they still have access to the rafters. I've thought of putting some sort of "pigeon sticks" up there that would make roosting uncomfortable, but I do not want to injure my chickens' feet. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
That's a good idea! I can only hear the voice of that crazy baby in your avatar saying it though, and now it sounds sinister along with the picture!
Thanks! These are great suggestions. My poor birds are going to wonder what happened to their favorite perch! Hopefully they will soon love the new ones I'm building for them.

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