How to quiet a very obnoxious hen


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 5, 2010
I have 6 RIReds who are great pets and egg layers and are spoiled rotten....One girl, we call Loudy, because she has always had a lot to say....but I do live in town and don't want to annoy the neighbors...She fusses loudly constantly....even when she is outside walking around she's verbal...She went broody on me once, and while we were working with her to stop nesting she was very quiet and it was very peaceful in the hen house....any ideas? They have a coop and are let out to free roam the yard several times a day.....I hate to think of getting rid of her just to keep it quiet as she has such a personality....but I would hate to loose them all because of her big beak!
I don't have any tips for you, but I feel your pain. We had to get rid of my 10-year-old daughter's cayuga duck because it was too loud. But she agreed that we would rather rehome one duck than have animal control called on all of our chickens. The yard got a lot quieter, and the duck still went to a good home out of town.
I posted about the same problem today! We have one girl that is just a jabberwocky and she is loud! The family jokes that she is the one we will throw to the coyotes if the need ever arises! I would love to hear of a solution, but my post has only received others, like you with the same misery.
Same problem I am having(x7). Anyone come up with a solution besides chopping their heads off? They are good layers but squack all day. I would rather eat them when they do not lay any longer. Im going to try a no crow collar on them for now.

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