How to RAISE a good rooster.

Hello everyone. First attack shortly after he tuned a year old (about a week ago). He ran after my little sister (who is 8 and just running past, minding about her own business) and pecked her in the back of the leg. There was no warning. In fact, she didn't even know he was chasing her until she felt the peck. It was not serious, but it did draw some blood. Normally she is very confident around the chickens and does not do things that set them off, but this time was just a fluke.

He is not showing any aggression to me or little sister, he is back to his normal self. I think the running may have caused it. I am also wondering if maybe because it is spring and he only has 3 hens, that he may be a little edgy.

I am continuing to follow this article for raising him: by @BantyChooks. I know many people have strong viewpoints on butchering roosters when there are children involved, but I don't want to give up on him just yet. He stays out of everyone's space, including my little sister's. If another attack happens, I can butcher him and raise up another cockerel, but I honestly don't want to go through the hassle just yet.
Hello everyone. First attack shortly after he tuned a year old (about a week ago). He ran after my little sister (who is 8 and just running past, minding about her own business) and pecked her in the back of the leg. There was no warning. In fact, she didn't even know he was chasing her until she felt the peck. It was not serious, but it did draw some blood. Normally she is very confident around the chickens and does not do things that set them off, but this time was just a fluke.

He is not showing any aggression to me or little sister, he is back to his normal self. I think the running may have caused it. I am also wondering if maybe because it is spring and he only has 3 hens, that he may be a little edgy.

I am continuing to follow this article for raising him: by @BantyChooks. I know many people have strong viewpoints on butchering roosters when there are children involved, but I don't want to give up on him just yet. He stays out of everyone's space, including my little sister's. If another attack happens, I can butcher him and raise up another cockerel, but I honestly don't want to go through the hassle just yet.
Hopefully all goes well and he calms down. :fl
I'm learning so much here! I think I'm doing good. When Clem starts showing those hormones, I snatch him up and we go for a walk and have deep conversations. I told him this morning that I am going to do my best to keep him sweet. Fingers crossed! Thank you all for sharing your experiences.
Hello everyone. First attack shortly after he tuned a year old (about a week ago). He ran after my little sister (who is 8 and just running past, minding about her own business) and pecked her in the back of the leg. There was no warning. In fact, she didn't even know he was chasing her until she felt the peck. It was not serious, but it did draw some blood. Normally she is very confident around the chickens and does not do things that set them off, but this time was just a fluke.

He is not showing any aggression to me or little sister, he is back to his normal self. I think the running may have caused it. I am also wondering if maybe because it is spring and he only has 3 hens, that he may be a little edgy.

I am continuing to follow this article for raising him: by @BantyChooks. I know many people have strong viewpoints on butchering roosters when there are children involved, but I don't want to give up on him just yet. He stays out of everyone's space, including my little sister's. If another attack happens, I can butcher him and raise up another cockerel, but I honestly don't want to go through the hassle just yet.
An update on this rooster. It's been over three years now since that incident. I can confidently say now that he is the best rooster I have ever had. Not only is he non-aggressive, but he is very calm around people and will allow himself to be picked up without being chased. He is gentle with the hens and raises younger birds to be well-behaved as well. I have not had to worry about keeping him out of my personal space for several years now because he has earned my trust.

So if you have a pecking incident, don't give up! He may yet straighten out :)

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