How to save money on chicken feed?

[COLOR=00FF00]My girls loves  Whole Wheat bread the local Ba[/COLOR][COLOR=00FF00]kery sells it for $2.00 a rack(8 loaves)the local Produce stand throws (free) away tons on Saturday[/COLOR] :weee  
2$ a rack???
My chickens would be lucky to get it.

And hmmmmm, my neighbor is the local green grocer. I may have to pay him a visit....
Hi There,
Can someone answer this question: My name is Lila Ann & i am still learning about hens & roosters u see i have a female hen & a rooster that adopted me they are wild free range chickens i believe they are wild red jungle fowl rooster & hen that just happen to end up in our yard so i started buying scratch feed 3 different kinds at our local feed & farm supply store here in hawaii & i just don't understand y they are not eating any of them!. Then i bought some dehydrated mealworms & they seem to peck at them when i throw them & sprinkle them around the yard b/c if i put them in a feeder tray the male rooster will let the female hen eat first & by the time shes done there are no more mealworms for the male rooster. I have tried feeding them cabbage, grapes, a corn mixture scratch feed, another type with all kinds of pellet & seed mixture, & a gamecock feed & I also made some quaker oats cereal, boiled eggs, cooked pumpkin b/c it was said that it is nutrionally good for them but to no AVAIL! They prefer digging in the dirt all day everyday i assume looking for live bugs/worms. So this was the last straw i cooked some pork & chicken breast & chopped it up into small pieces & they seem to like that, however i can't afford to give them that on a daily basis!! This is getting ridiculous & its not like i went out to get them. They are actually throwaway homeless birds who adopted me & i took pity upon them & started caring for them & for them to get this picky is totally ridiculous! What can i do i can't be spending $10.00 for a 10lb bag scratch feed & they not eat it?? Now i'm spending $40.00 for 2lbs of freeze dried mealworms thats due to arrive here in hawaii any day now.. I'm i crazy for buying all this or should i stop buying these things & what can i feed them! I have grown to love these birds but they are costing me a fortune! Some people tell me don't need to feed any extras b/c they find food on their own! Like what!! Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

Lila & the birds
Henry & Henrietta are their names
If they have always been wild they won't recognize your store bought feeds as food, some with the cabbage and stuff. Chickens raised by people eat them because they are use to people providing their food so will try new food when it is offered. The more imprinted the chickens are on people the more willingly they will try new food.
My girls loves Whole Wheat bread the local Bakery sells it for $2.00 a rack(8 loaves)the local Produce stand throws (free) away tons on Saturday

Shoot I'd be supplementing my own diet. Great deals.
BLT's, french toast, sandwiches, bread pudding. On and on.
Okay i will try to dig up dirt & see what i can unearth thanks Davaroo i really appreciate your inputs!

Me & the birds
Thanks so much for the info maybe i will be a little more patient b/c the feed i bought yesterday from the feed & farm store here in hawaii i notice when i went out to do some errands & i got back i looked at their feeding trough & most of it was gone so i think they are recognizing the feed & they are eating. Thanks so very much Jekkalynn you're very appreciated! Have a cluck cluck day!!!!!!

Me & the birds

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