how to set up inside coop


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 16, 2012

OK so I have the 8x8 done windows are in siding and roof is done. Now what would be the best way to lay out the inside of the coop. I was thinking something like this but what do the more experienced folks think. Thanks
Looks excellent to me. Should be a straight shot from the pop door to the nests (not under roosts).
If your roosts are staggered heights, you can put a poop board under them, slanted like the roosts, that will allow the poop to roll to a collection point. That's how we did it when we had 100 layers. Plywood would work but anything covered with a thin sheet of HDPE and the manure would slide right off. This 4X8 sheet would work perfectly. They have larger sizes too. It comes rolled up into a tube and if you need bigger you can plastic weld it.

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