How to sex mandarin duckies


Egg Lover
12 Years
May 18, 2007
Portland, IN
I just got 5, 3 week olds, they are reg. colored mandrin, is there a way to sex them at this age?............
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i know most people say you have to wait till they start quacking(girls) chirping (boys)???? Also people have said that males tail feathers curl up???? I hope that helps you...formei still have mo clue on my duckie:barnie
Mandarins dont quack, so you cant tell that way. Also, their tail feathers dont curl.

You can tell at 6-12 months when the males start to turn orange.

Congrats on them! I just hatched out 4/6 mandies in my incubator.

Sexing Mandarins: These species is best sexed at about 6-12 months old when the males begin to asume adult plumage. The beak on the male turns bright red even when not in breeding plumage but the beak on hens remains dull grey. Males also tend to have brighter yellow-orange coloration of the legs then hens. It can be hard to sex very young duckings as venting at this age can be inaccurate.

From Ducks.htm
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Mandarins can be sexed by about 12 weeks by beek color and some feathering. Ours from last year were born in May and by early September, we could tell.

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