How to sex swinhoe pheasant chicks

oh shucks your makin me blush.Roman is very knowledgable.Didn't he get out of raising birds?If he did I know he is missing it because he is always willing to help people and always ready for a conversation about birds.
My 2 swinhoes are setting,but I incubated their first 5 eggs and no fertility,hopefully the ones they are setting on are fertile.
I have grey and germains and would love to have palawans,but the wife says no birds in the house as they would be housed in the basement thru winter.The greya are climatized and the germainsI just got from Virgil in Jan,so hopefully thery will climatize as well.
As for chicks my temminck male came off with 3 chicks and 1 died,lewis silver came off with 6 ,grey peacock 2,eliot has 4 chicks 1 died.All these birds were hatched by the parents.The incubators have produced 4 eliots,2 temm,1 satyr,so not so good .Hopefully the hatches will get better as the season goes on.
I still have the temm ,satyr,lewis and 2 swinhoes setting.
I lost my humes hen,I don't know why she produced 15 eggs with fertility but died in the shell.I still have a bout 9 of those still incubating so there is still some luck.She has had fertile eggs the last 2 years so I don't know why the first ones weren't fertile.Happy hatching.
In N.H.,Tony.
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Here is a 5 week swinehoe pullet. Notice the bars or lines on the tail. If it were a Male the lines would NOT be present and the main tail feather/s would be a bit darker. Tony~ the egg from which I hatched this swinhoe came from your neck of the woods. A&A Avairy Chris A.
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Here is a 5 week swinehoe pullet. Notice the bars or lines on the tail. If it were a Male the lines would NOT be present and the main tail feather/s would be a bit darker. Tony~ the egg from which I hatched this swinhoe came from your neck of the woods. A&A Avairy Chris A.

Yes Chris Adams.He's only been raising pheasants for a few years but boy did he get into them?
In N.H.,Tony.
Hi Tony, you do a great job on here and I often check what you have to say about different subjects. Swinehoe just happen to be a favorite of mine and have been for some years. I also must give due to Roman K. I have learned lots from him over the past 30 years. I do have one unrelated pair of Palawans and they are a little hi strung but a beautiful pair. They eat out of my hand but hide from everyone else. Also have Impeyans Silvers, Lady Amherst, goldens and reeves. Would tlike o add Elliots this year if possible. We have been breeding ornamentals for about 30 years at gingerwood farms. Have a great day!
Hi Gingerwood, do you know how to sex lady Amherst chicks? I want to raise the male and females chicks separately.
Hi Gingerwood, do you know how to sex lady Amherst chicks? I want to raise the male and females chicks separately.
Even with day old or 2 day olds, if you look very closely at the spot where the waddle or "teardrop" will be, it will be the size of a pen head on male chicks. Femakes will not have it. This holds true for Goldens as well.
Even with day old or 2 day olds, if you look very closely at the spot where the waddle or "teardrop" will be, it will be the size of a pen head on male chicks. Femakes will not have it. This holds true for Goldens as well.
Hi Sean, but as far as I know the female lady Amherst also has the tear drop, for Goldens I am not sure, but I do observe this on the female lady Amherst
Hi Sean, but as far as I know the female lady Amherst also has the tear drop, for Goldens I am not sure, but I do observe this on the female lady Amherst
No, the females do not have a wattle, only the males.
I'll post some pics when my hatch in the next few weeks.
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I have no faith in the iris theory on red golden and Amherst.They seem to change every day in my opinion.
I am usually not in a hurry to tell the sexes on my birds.I enjoy watching them grow and see what they turn out to be.I very seldom sell young chicks anyways.If someone wants to take a chance,but I will not sell them as pairs until I am 100% sure.I'd rather sell people what they want,and that isn't until early fall.
In N.H.,Tony.
I have no faith in the iris theory on red golden and Amherst.They seem to change every day in my opinion.
I am usually not in a hurry to tell the sexes on my birds.I enjoy watching them grow and see what they turn out to be.I very seldom sell young chicks anyways.If someone wants to take a chance,but I will not sell them as pairs until I am 100% sure.I'd rather sell people what they want,and that isn't until early fall.
In N.H.,Tony.
I don't sell chicks either, mine are usually a year old or older. The iris color can be kinda iffy sometimes but I was referring to was the can see it if you look very closely, it will be about the size of a straight pen maybe a tad bigger. It's harder to see on day olds but it's there, give them a week and you can certainly see it at that time.

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