How to sex the baby chicks?

Do you eally think if it was as easy as egg shape to predetermine sex that the hatcheries would be wasting their money hatching eggs that would produce the wrong sex? There are several myths out there about how to produce more pullets or more cockerels from a hatch. The commercial hatching industry that has spent millions researching it do not use any of them. Think about that a minute.

Yup. In the half century I've been around chickens, I've just about heard them all, old wive's tales, that is. Don't even want to think about how many folklore, myths, tales, gimmicks, and nonsense about chick sexing are floating around.
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Now my dream is back!
I'll try to sex some and try the egg format method! I hope it works! Have tryed the egg method? Did it really work?
This egg sexing method will help a lot, because in a few weeks I'll go to a chicken farm to buy some Giant Indio eggs. I don't know if there is this breed in U.S. or U.K. The adult rooster get get until 3.5 ft from feet to the beak!
I think the vent method is a little hard, so I'll try the feathers one.

I'm pretty much the biggest skeptic around when it comes to "old wives tales" like this one
But since a thread came up on the shape of the egg and the sex of the chick when my last batch of eggs hatched I checked it out..
As they hatched I made a note of each chick's sex as well as the shape of the egg..
much to my surprise it actually worked...
Ridgrunner: they're phisically similar to the ''caipira'' ones., but bigger.

yinepu: Now you really made me confuse! How many eggs did you hacht?
About the sexing, did any egg get a different result or did ALL the eggs have the expected sex?
Kovalines, I'll repeat. You have nothing to lose by trying it. Nothing at all.

I'll also say that I respect Yinepu a lot. She has a lot of experience and has a level head. It is always wise to pay attention to what she says. But, respectfully, I'll again mention I once got 7 pullets out of 7 random chicks. I only did that once. Repeatability.

Try it and see what happens. Don't believe any of us. Make up your own mind, based on your experience.
About the sexing, did any egg get a different result or did ALL the eggs have the expected sex?

they all went according to the egg shape.. I can feather sex my birds (they carry the genes for it) and I also vent sexed them to be sure.. trust me.. i was laughing my behind off because i never believed for a second that it would work

now will it work every time?.. no idea.. to me for an experiment to work it has to be repeated several times with the same results.. so in all honesty it could have been a fluke.. but heck.. if it was I should have gone and played the lottery!

when I set this batch I didn't pay any attention to egg shape.. i was just setting everything since we wanted to fill the bator
next time I'll just set pointy eggs since we wanted this bunch for freezer campers anyway and ended up with way too many pullets.. lol.. hopefully it works again
Kovalines, I'll repeat. You have nothing to lose by trying it. Nothing at all.
I'll also say that I respect Yinepu a lot. She has a lot of experience and has a level head. It is always wise to pay attention to what she says. But, respectfully, I'll again mention I once got 7 pullets out of 7 random chicks. I only did that once. Repeatability.
Try it and see what happens. Don't believe any of us. Make up your own mind, based on your experience.

Thanks Ridgerunner.. I appreciate that.. and like I said I never ever expected it to work.. in all honesty it may have been just a fluke.. all I know is my husband and I both got a heck of a laugh out of it..

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