How to stop aggressive behavior?


8 Years
Sep 2, 2011
New Hampshire
Ive searched a bit on BYC and see all the suggestions, still would like some advice. I have a flock of 5 pullets, the top of the order a red sex link has started over the past week to challenge me every time I enter the run. She pecks at me and takes a dominant looking stance. My reaction has been to gently respond with my foot, not kicking or harming just a "hey stop that" reaction. I read that will just reinforce her behavior...... I want to be able to pick her up and walk as some suggest, but she is FAST and I have never been able to handle her, she's been that way since birth.

What should I do, I dont want this to become a battle and grow worse every day
My RIR was a terror during the teenage stage right when I transferred her to the coop. She has attacked me 3-4 times. Twice by flying and trying to knock me over with her two feet and the other times really hard pecking in the back! I was ticked, but I kept my cool. I always treated her with gentle care.

After her attacks, I'd pick her up and carry her around everywhere for a few days and often. I'd bring her inside the house and have her sit on my lap with a towel underneath and pet her nicely. It was a lot of one on one time with her, but it paid off.

My RIR is now very sweet. It wasn't until she started laying. I still every once in a while pick her up and carry her.

I do think if they are terrors after they start laying that this habit can not be broken, but I'm not positive. I've only had to deal with it that one time do far. My RIR is not even top hen. My dark brahma is.
What does 'carrying' the hen do? I have a RIR who is aggressive to one other hen.(RIR is #1, bullied hen is #4 of 4 hens) Will this help in this situation? I do and have held her since she was ours! Everyday I hold the hens for awhile......wanted them to be tame and friendly from the beginning.........................thanks! ~Beulah

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