How to stop Broody Plague?

Ramblin Rooster

7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Fairfield, Connecticut
Ok folks, I am coming to you guys because I am at my last limb with my broodyness in my flock. In my flock of about 35 or 40 birds, 27 have gone broody in the last couple months!!! I am tired of explaining to egg customers that I don't have any eggs to give them, and I am tired of dumping dozens of eggs in the woods because my broodies have tried to hatch them but end up cooking them instead because we don't have a rooster. I have had the broody breaker in use a lot this summer, but the hens usually relapse within no time. I just put 7 more hens into the broody breaker that just started being broody in the last couple days.

What can I do to stop broodiness? I have tried collecting their eggs but end up with hens going broody on nothing but pine shavings! I don't want to lose any hens this summer and I am sick of all my eggs going to waste. Please help me stop this broody plague!
It has a lot to do with the breed of your chickens, and the genetics, if your hens mothers were broody birds than you birds are going to be broody, this is why I avoid show bred birds, and I have also noticed that my younger birds, under 2 years go broody more often and they seem to grow out of it. I have also noticed that it is contagious, one bird starts and it seems to spread quickly, I pull them out as soon as I notice it and put them where the others can't see or hear them, it can be frustrating, I had a bird spend 90 percent of the laying season broody, this year she hasn't been broody once. Perhaps a different breed or different source for your chickens, but that doesn't help you this season.
I have a hen that is 1yr and 4months
She has been broody since last Sept.
This is a real pain. She has perked up for 3 weeks a few times and goes right back to broody. I have to take her out of the nest 3 X a day so she will go poo and eat/drink. Now when she is out all the others hens snap at her. She does not lay, her comb is next to nothing. ????? Freezer????
people here say that too much heat in the hen causes broodiness, broody hens get plunged in cold water until they 'snap' out of it. I don't know if it will work in your situation, but it has worked for me
Good luck! Brooding infertile eggs can't be fun for anyone.
I did that last week~ I brought her in to the kitchen sink and gave her a bath~ worked for 4 days and she is back at it

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