How to stop bullying?

Silkies act differently than other breeds, they are best kept with other silkies or other gentle bantam breeds. Their crest will often attract pecking from non-crested birds. Too many pecks can cause brain damage in some.

Some more information about your flock and set up is necessary to give better advice.
Silkies act differently than other breeds, they are best kept with other silkies or other gentle bantam breeds. Their crest will often attract pecking from non-crested birds. Too many pecks can cause brain damage in some.

Some more information about your flock and set up is necessary to give better advice.

Agreed, but this link may prove useful (it may well not help, in this case, but it's good to take the issue into account)
Also was it added to the flock later on by itself? Cause thats gonna cause all the other chickens to gang up on that one chicken, thats why it's always best to add chickens to flocks in groups, it spreads out the bullying so not just one chicken taking all the heat.
Who's doing the majority of the aggression? My guess would be that isa brown.

I would also guess your silkie is bottom hen? Unfortunately there's always a bottom hen.
Who's doing the majority of the aggression? My guess would be that isa brown.

I would also guess your silkie is bottom hen? Unfortunately there's always a bottom hen.

It seems to be the australorp who is doing most of the bullying, the frizzle followers her with that be others seem to ignore her for the most part and yes she is the bottom hen
Unfortunately that will often happen to silkies in a mixed flock, so I always recommend keeping silkies with silkies.

Unless you are wanting to separate her out, than about all you can do is to make sure there's plenty of hiding spots for her, and hope they leave her alone.

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