How to stop chicken from missing


In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2023
Hello everyone!

I am from Connecticut. My dad has backyard chicken for a long time. We probably has gone through more than 200 chicken by now. I don't think he is going a good job, so recently I took over his backyard chicken business. We always have predator issues, such as raccoon, fox, hawk, etc. In order to keep them safe, my father would lock them in their coop, and would not let them go out at all. Since I started to take care them, I let them out roaming the entire backyard freely. They seems happier and lay more and better egg. I would let them out in the afternoon and lock them back to their coop before sunset.

In the past 2 months I have been taking care them, I have totoal of 2 hens gone missing. It happened while I am away at work. My sister would close the door for me. But the next day, when I count them, there would be 1 chicken missing. I don't see any sign like a dead body, or a lot of feather. I am not sure what has taken them, or did they some how escape? What should I do to keep them safe? I have an uneven, rocky backyard, I dont' have a run for them. I currently have 1 rooster and 13 hens left.

Thank you!
x2 on @sourland's advice. From personal experience with trying to free range with similar predators, once the predators discover your chickens, they will keep coming back - secure them now before they all eventually get taken. Also, remember that it takes about 6 months for a pullet to reach point of lay, so there's a significant time investment in growing out new layers to replace lost ones.

Good luck!

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