How to stop chickens eating flowers?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
How do I stop our chickens eatin my wife's flowers?? We have 3 RIRs, and we are currently doing up our garden, so there is very little greenery around for the chickens to eat. My wife has flowers in pots ready to be replanted back into the garden once it's in decent order again, but the chicks keep pecking away at the leaves and petals! She is NOT amused, so I need to find a way to keep them away from each other. Tried putting them on a window sill (the flowers, not the chickens!), but the birds just jump up and eat them there while looking in the window at us. Any ideas? Fencing off is not an option at the moment
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Chickens can destroy flowers that are within their reach. As our gardening season comes to a close, we'll release the birds into the garden. Over the next month, they'll have stripped, eaten and scratched, dug and tilled the garden into a pulverized state. That's great in fall, but not so great during the growing season.

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