how to stop the predators


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 20, 2012
i have been loosing chicks for about a week during the night and day. i was very confused on what was happening. at first i thought somone was stealing from me cuz my turkey was gone and i was on vacation. then when i got back i noticed there was a few more missing. Well 2 nights ago i came home from the store and had a feeling i would find out what was going on. when i pulled up there it was sitting on my porch a HUGE coon. It ran off when i pulled up. the next morning my wife calls me and says a guinea is missing now. so far that would make about 6 adults missing and about 10 babies missing. so last night i locked up the coop when inside adn went to go to bed. when my wife was looking outside and said the goose was freaking out and kept looking in on direction as if something was out there. so i wen out there and there it was waiting in the tree line a oppossum i chased it off when i shinned the light at it. then about an hr later my wife saw a coon outside by the baby cage. so i ran outside and out of the 16 baby pheasants that i had hatched and put out there 2 were left. and of the 5 quail that were put out there none were out there. there is no signs of struggle and i have only found one birds body under my neighboors house. How can i stop this from happening whats a good way to trap them. Has anyone made homemade traps cuz the traps are expensive. i know theres at least 1 coon and 1 oppossum but theres no telling what else is out there. the mystery of the turkey still bothers me cuz she was 40+ pounds and i dont see a coon or oppossum taking her down.
It could easily be more than one predator. With that big turkey gone, are alligators a possible answer? I really suspect that raccoon for the others, but coyotes, dogs, or foxes are also possibilities. A possom would not take that many and would probably eat it on the spot. I don't think a bobcat would take that many at one time either. You might try sprinkling some flour on the ground to see if you can get footprints.

With what you are describing, it does sound like it could be different things, but not all predators act like they are supposed to. As expensive as it is, I think a big live trap just might be the answer. You might google dog proof coon traps for a less expensive option, but that pretty well works just for raccoons. It still sounds like a possibility for you. I really think that raccoon is a problem that needs to be dealt with now.

Some people will probably tell you to get a big gun and start blasting away, which might work, but depending on where you live in regard to neighbors and your familairity with firearms, that could easily not be the answer.

I don't know where you are living in Louisiana, but you might try calling animal control and see of you can borrow a trap. They might even take care of the problem for you once you trap the animal (or more likely animals) but you will probably have to dispose of it yourself. Still, even if you are out in the country, that would be my first call. You might get someone totally clueless or you might get someone really helpful.

Good luck!
No matter how many animals you kill, there will always be more attracted to your birds - you are basically laying out a buffet and inviting them to dinner. The only way to protect your flock is to invest in better protection for them - sturdier pens and runs with hardware cloth for at least the bottom 2 feet, and a secure coop to put them in at night. Sounds like your pens and cages are not sturdy enough and could use some upgrading. Good luck.
my run is made of the welded wire for my sides and top and the smaller green wire around the bottom 2-3 feet. and it was made very sturdy i have spent alot on building the coop about 700+. I dont live by water so gators i dont really think they could be a problem. im very handy with a gun im in the military so i know how to shoot and i have been looking into getting a 22 cal rifle. i live in central louisiana around ft polk. i live outside city limits but within a subdivsion and others have chickens and horses but noone else seems to have a problem. i have looked around for stray dogs/cats and no sign of any. i did have a hawk around the other day but didnt come too low, not sure if he did when i wasnt looking. ill try the powder cuz i looked last night and could not find any foot prints. ill call the game warden and find out if they can do anything for me. thanks
No matter how many animals you kill, there will always be more attracted to your birds - you are basically laying out a buffet and inviting them to dinner.  The only way to protect your flock is to invest in better protection for them - sturdier pens and runs with hardware cloth for at least the bottom 2 feet, and a secure coop to put them in at night.  Sounds like your pens and cages are not sturdy enough and could use some upgrading.  Good luck.


can you post picture of your set up?alot of us on here have gone thru some things that work and some that don't.once we see what you have ,we may be able to help you out.

predators will just keep coming as long as they get fed.once they are realize they can't get anything to eat,they will spend their energy looking elsewhere.

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