How to "tame" a roo?


9 Years
Sep 8, 2010
I have two roos right now, I'm looking to get rid of them ASAP as one of them have started to be more aggresive towards me. I have hatched them out and they are about 12 weeks old. But in the meantime while I'm finding them a new home, is there anyway for me to show the roo that I'm in charge and not him? I'm new to chickens and could really use the tips. Thanks in advance
We had an aggressive rooster when I was growing up. He learned to respect us and keep a distance but never became really tame. After all, part of his role is protector. We carried a broom and the rooster learned to be respectful!
Yes he is only 12 weeks. I do pick him up every single day and hold him and pet him on his chest. When I go out to the chickens he comes up and starts pecking the crud out of me and actually brusies me and breaks skin. I will back up and he charges towards me. He is a wynadotte. THe other two roos I have are not like that, I just assumed he was the head roo and that's why he acts that way. I think I might take cambriagardeners advice and bring something with me when I go outside or am I being too big of a baby about this?
If you google chicken psychology there is some information on a blog about training roosters (and I believe the blogger posts here). He recommends that you press down gently but firmly on the roo's back and neck, as another rooster would do to dominate, until the roo gives in and relaxes. My youngster now knows this is a cue to just sit down and chill out. Also, carrying them around until they relax. The hormones have yet to kick in on mine, so we'll see how well the advice holds up. Good luck.

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