How to "teach" pullets to roost?


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2015
Portsmouth, Virginia
Hey guys!

Just brought home my very first three little pullets today, two Barred Rocks and a Buff Orpington. I was able to go into the barn where they had grown up so far, and there was just a large fenced in area inside the barn with bedding and feeders - no roosting bars or anything. I got a coop second hand and spent about five hours today reinforcing it and fixing it up and adding needed features (no vents and it gets pretty hot here, no framing on the bottom, just wire stretched between vertical supports, etc.). The issue seems to be that my girls have no idea they have a second story safe place to spend the night! I put them on the ramp a few times and they cried out as if they were lost souls before eventually hopping down. I put them in the roost through the cleaning access and only my orp figured out how to get out of it. I just went out to check on them and they're huddled in a pile at the bottom of the ramp. It's 75 degrees out so I'm not too horribly concerned. I know this is a big change for them today, and probably a very stressful day. Do I need to do anything to encourage spending the night safely in their coop versus the run below, if they haven't taken to it after a few days? Pics below :)

They really like hanging out under the coop. They'd never even been on grass/dirt before today, and were enthralled. The buff (Digger) was the first one to figure out how to dig and scratch around. She's around 4 weeks, whereas the rocks are around 6 weeks. She's the smallest, youngest, and also the undisputed ruler of the roost. My funny bone is tickled.

Hey, the human is back again!

(second pic was how I purchased it)

I'm new, so please have mercy on my setup (suggestions welcome, but please don't slay me). I'll be building them a *much* bigger coop over the next two weeks to a month, so they hopefully won't outgrow this space before I'm done with the new one :) I've read several bad opinions on actual chicken wire, so future constructions will be done with hardware cloth. For $30 at a yard sale, this seemed like a steal (though I'm now out of staples for my staple gun...who in their right mind attaches chicken wire to the frame with nails?). Spent a total of $5 on wood/screws to sturdy it up and used some stuff that was laying around the house.
I like your attitude, and WE WILL NOT SLAY YOU.

Your girls will eventually seek out the roost. They are still young.. You placing them at bedtime will teach them that it is the place they desire.. On a different note.. The chicken wire is not very secure against predators such as raccoons. It will keep out small opossums and snakes, as well as flying raptors like hawks. If raccoons are popular in your area, then try to locate some chain link fence, or welded hardware cloth or 2 x 4 wire fencing.. I like to re purpose things and also use whatever I have around. Craig's list often has items free or very reasonably priced like leftover building supplies. I have personally used Craig's to give away items that I felt were too good to throw away. I don't mind going out of the way if it helps another person... In my Pictures you can see my coop. A re purposed Lil tykes playhouse.

Last time I had some partially grow chicks they didn't know to go into the coop at night. I waited until dark and they were asleep. Picked them up and put them in the coop. Two evenings later they went in by themselves. The roosting took a bit longer.
Ah, I shall place them in there tonight, then. Thank you so much! I couldn't really care if they use the bar or not, it was just really sad seeing them huddled up on the floor. I'm definitely going to be using hardware cloth on my next build. I haven't seen any coons, just stray cats. Even those have stopped coming around since we moved in with dogs and installed the security lights. I do love that approaching the coop turns on the security lights. Makes me feel a bit better as our bedroom stares at the back yard.
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We had some really bad thunder storms coming in today. The DH spent half an hour trying to get the girls to go inside before giving up, all without me asking him at all (I was quite impressed). I went to go put them to bed tonight and they were already in the coop but not asleep, so they got some meal worms those good girls!

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