how to tell a ducks age


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2017
New Brighton

the lady I bought her from said her and her brother were 1 year old. I don't think they are. she looks more like a duckling then a 1 year moms friend told her they are only a couple of weeks
it's a ducking food i got it at tractor supply. and yes she has a bowl she loves to dunk her head and her feet lol only think I get nervous about is she refuses to sleep away from me so she doesn't use a heat lamp she just cuddles with me lol
it's a ducking food i got it at tractor supply. and yes she has a bowl she loves to dunk her head and her feet lol only think I get nervous about is she refuses to sleep away from me so she doesn't use a heat lamp she just cuddles with me lol

Your a good Mom..Although it will need another Duckling...Ducks are social and suffer without friends..A mirror will help with it learning to separate from you until you get another Duckling..
thank you so much :) yea I originally had 2 but my mom took her brother cuz she only wanted him around for so long. she sees her brother everyday tho. should I still get another?
thank you so much :) yea I originally had 2 but my mom took her brother cuz she only wanted him around for so long. she sees her brother everyday tho. should I still get another?

Get her Brother Back...They are bonded and do not understand you separating them..:(...Ducks are smart Birds..:).....They would be happier together..:)

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