How to tell double yolk quail eggs?


6 Years
Sep 24, 2015
San Diego, Ca
Hello everyone, I performed a search on this forum and didn't find what I was looking for. I'm wondering how I can tell which of my quail eggs have double yolks? When I performed the search, some people mentioned they can just look at the eggs and tell. Others say they candle the eggs but when I candle the eggs, I can't see the yolk.

I got an egg that is 16g and one that is 18g. The egg is kinda wide so I know that is one sign that it's possibly double yolk. When I candle, I can't see two yolks. Even for regular sized eggs, I can't see the yolk. Any information is greatly appreciated!

Robbies birds wont lay single yolk eggs over 17g so if its bigger than 17 its most likely a double yolk. If it isnt uniformly shaped you dont want to incubate it regardless.

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