how to tell if my eggs are fertilized


6 Years
May 2, 2013
How can i tell if my eggs are fertilized eggs without breaking them open?? Abd i do not have an incubator... Will my broody hen be enough for them to stay warm and be healthy hatching chicks? Thanks in advance! :)
nothing beats a broody hen! They do all the work so its easier for you and she does it better than any incubator!!!
Let your hen set on them for 10-14 days. Then learn to candle your eggs. You won't see much before 10 days. You'll need to make something to candle with. there are instuctions for all kinds of lights to do it with on line. you probably won't have to buy a thing.
Or just wait till they hatch. Your hen will know what do if she is broody.
Thanks for the advice! I found a link that shows how to make a candeler. And your right. I wont need to buy anything! Thanks!! :)

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