How to tell the sex of a Rhode Island Red?

Hi I hate to be a forum crasher but I saw this topic and I have some RIR I need help with too would it be ok to post some pics to help Identify the sex? I know I have one Roo for sure but I have two others I am not sure of
Hi I hate to be a forum crasher but I saw this topic and I have some RIR I need help with too would it be ok to post some pics to help Identify the sex? I know I have one Roo for sure but I have two others I am not sure of
You can post some photos here, but it would be better to start your own thread. To start a thread, just go up the to top of this page and click the grey button that says "Start a New Thread." I and other members will be happy to help sex your RIRs.
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Can anyone tell me if my barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red are both pullets? I was told I was getting females but who knows


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