How to wire a computer fan to LG


9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
I have a simple computer fan, Its a 2" one I got off of ebay. I was hoping someone could post some pictures of how to do it? I read on a thread on here about using a cell charger for the power source and not having to wire it into the Incubator. I am open to learning how to do it either way. I dont know what I am doing at all so any help would be great
you need to get very small wire connectors, a cell phone charger, of the same voltage as the fan, then strip the ends of the wires on both the charger, and the fan, then on the fan there should be a red wire, that wire should be twisted to the wire with the white stripe, on the cellphone charger, then the other two wires should be connected, i hope this helps at all
Yes. I run my 12vdc pc fan on a 5vdc cell phone charger. Just runs slower.

There usually are 3 wires on the PC fan. Mine were black-red-yellow. Black was negative, red was positive, and yellow was not needed and cut (It is the speed sensor wire for monitoring the fan speed on the computer... which we don't need).

In the wall chargers... there is usually only two wires inside the cord after you cut the fancy end off. One is hot (positive) the other not (negative).

What I did... in addition to using a volt meter(not really critical)... was strip all the wires back and start touching the two wires off the charger on different fan wires until it worked. Since your dealing with low DC volts at really low amperage... there's no real harm to be done or sparks or anything like that. When you get the fan working... wire nut those wires together or solder or twist and tape.

In the end you will have a fan that just plugs into the wall... not wired into the incubator.

Good luck!
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being that it is a 2" fan, I would go with the same voltage that the fan is otherwise the fan will run to slow and not create ANY air flow for ya. if you twist and tape, please make sure you tape each connection separtly
sounds like common sense, but, you know? but everything else sounds good. plug it in slowly just enough to turn the fan a couple times just incase you got it wired wrong. (been there)
Some fans will work on lower volatage transformers, but some wont. Mine does not, I needed to find a 12V transformer. This proved more difficult than one would think as most phones are 5V or 9.6V I finally found a bunch of old charger cords in a bin at the local Goodwill thrift store. It took me 20 minutes to untancgle all the wires, but I bought all three 12V's for .99 each.....I like to be prepared.
True... not *all* fans can work at lower volts. Some fans need the full power 12v kick to get moving. But almost all PC case/cpu fans can. They usually are designed to run between 5vdc-12vdc. Since 5vdc, 7.5vdc, 12vdc are the supplied power outputs from your typical PC power supply... and slowing down fans is common to make them quieter.

Your 9volt charger should work fine. Try it and see... if it works, your golden. If not... then stop by your local thrift shop. They always have a box full of $0.99 plug-in wall transformers that went to various electronic devices. Should be easy to find a 12vdc power supply there.

As for airflow. Again... try it and see. Let it blow across your face and feel how much air it's moving. You just need a breeze inside the box to move the air around... not a tornado. A PC fan should work fine for any cooler-sized bator... but larger fans (or multiple PC fans) should be used for mini-fridge or sportsman-style incubators. I'm not sure what kind you have.

Good luck!
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I have an LG and I was also wondering where is the best place to put the fan? My husband put it right on top pointing down but I dont know if that is the best place for it.

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