How would you handle this?

Chewbagawk, I agree with the dog aspect. Where I live has a horrible overpopulation issue of strays and breeders who don't know what they're doing. I breed small scale for sure, for quality and not quantity and I have NEVER not sold a chick as soon as they were for sale. I even have a waiting list. 
She really is just ignorant I think. Not once has she asked a question about my little farm or how I raise my birds. I picture in her mind they're all in tiny factory farm metal boxes, two to a square foot and dying regularly from neglect lol. In reality if she'd ask she could see they have an acre of grass, trees and even a small pond to enjoy drinking from. It just gets me a little angry when she acts that way because I put A LOT of effort and care into my birds. 
See? There's my point. You know what you're doing and you care about your work. You could try to offer her a tour of your farm to see how happy your flock is, and if she's still upset let her call animal control and let them explain to her the error of her ways. In the end, it's up to her to believe what she wants and you can't fix stupid.
lol dheltzel, I may have to bring that argument up sometime if she continues on this with this. I can understand differences in opinion. I can respect hers if she respects mine. But the fact that every time she sees a post on my facebook page about chicks hatching or whatever she launches into an angry diatribe about the damage it does seems ridiculous. I'll just chalk it up to crazy lol.
Well this is very different than the first scenario you presented. First, this person is not your friend and you need to get them off your facebook. Why would you have someone like that in your life?

If your husbands want to be friends, that's fine. Both couples don't have to be friends.
Well this is very different than the first scenario you presented. First, this person is not your friend and you need to get them off your facebook. Why would you have someone like that in your life?

If your husbands want to be friends, that's fine. Both couples don't have to be friends.
AGREE. I also would NEVER invite her over to see your chickens etc. A person like her is just looking for reasons to complain about your setup. She'd probably faint to see where eggs come from. Not to mention if she managed to step in chicken poo. Too bad you can't block her from your life, like using the "blocking" feature on BYC
Well this is very different than the first scenario you presented. First, this person is not your friend and you need to get them off your facebook. Why would you have someone like that in your life?

If your husbands want to be friends, that's fine. Both couples don't have to be friends.

Well said!

AGREE. I also would NEVER invite her over to see your chickens etc. A person like her is just looking for reasons to complain about your setup. She'd probably faint to see where eggs come from. Not to mention if she managed to step in chicken poo. Too bad you can't block her from your life, like using the "blocking" feature on BYC

People like this are willfully ignorant. You won't change her opinion by having her see your set up. She'll just see it as a way of gaining more ammunition for future diatribes based on her skewed sense of what's "right" or "wrong". I would avoid her is possible, she doesn't sound like anyone I would want to socialize with. The guys can be friends without the gals being BFF's.
I think I'd just put a dead fish under her car seat. That would sure teach her!
If you're being responsible, your birds are well loved, and you take care of things then it's really not her business what you decide to do. I wouldn't appreciate someone talking about me behind my back, if they have something to say they need to say it to my face. I have chickens, and at some point I'll be hatching (trying to anyways) some of the eggs, and might try to sell some straight runs to help pay for cost of feed, bedding, and treats. I don't think there's really anything wrong with it when someone is responsible about how they're doing things, and they take care of their babes.
Thank you for all of the replies! To clarify...she doesn't rant to me, I never had a clue. She rants to her husband from what he's said. But you're right, I'm going to just be nice to her whenever we are around each other but not seek out time with her that's for sure. :)
My husband even tried explaining to her once recently that our birds are our babies and we take extremely good care of them. She wasn't interested in any details, just jumping to conclusions so I'm wiping my hands of this one lol.

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