Howdy from Centeral Maryland, USA


Renaissance man
6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Music City, USA
Howdy everyone.

My wife and I live together out in the country in Mount Airy, Maryland, USA (about 40 miles north of Washington DC). Usually I am the one in our relationship who is constantly coming up with new hobbies to pursue. I'm a hobby small engine mechanic, metal fabricator, quilter, gardener, canner/preserver, and much more. This time was different though. My wife came to me as said she wanted to get some chickens. I was shocked but never one to shy away from learning a new thing or taking on a new challenge I agreed.

We took a 3 hour class on backyard chicken keeping at a local community college and learned a lot but we still have much more to learn. The lady who taught the class was very nice and reasonably informative but we did not get into much detail.

My wife wants to keep laying hens, I am more interested in meat birds (roasted chicken breasts are more delicious than any omelet!). Unlike many people who live in suburban neighborhoods and have lots of issues with zoning and neighbors, we live out in the country on just over an acre with our next door neighbors living on 3 and 7 acres respectively. One already keeps chickens and the other has already said they fully support us getting some chickens. I am so glad that we can just get chickens without fighting the city council, HOA, or neighbors. (I do feel for those of you who have struggled with those issues!)

We are still in the planning stages of this adventure. My plan is to start acquiring the needed equipment as time/money allows and maybe try a quick flock of meat birds in the summer then get some laying hens in the fall. We'll see what Mrs. HandsomeRyan says about that? I think it would make the most sense to build my own chicken coop. I have a workshop and plenty of tools to make that happen. I look forward to browsing this forum and seeing the setups that all of you have and hopefully incorporating some of that into my design. We have some travel plans early in the summer so getting spring birds makes less sense as we'd have to find a "chicken-sitter" to watch them while we are away.

Glad to meet all of you and I look forward to learning a lot about backyard chicken culture.

Hello and welcome from glad you joined BYC. Sounds like you have your plans in order. Chickens are the greatest pets. Best wishes on your coop building and aquistion of your perfect flocks
Hello and welcome to BYC
Your intro made me smile... I think you are going to have a lot of fun with your chickens. Here are some sections you can look at for info and tips:


Coop designs and plans:


Layers and dual purpose breeds:

Have fun and keep us posted!
Greetings from Kansas, Ryan, and
! Pleased you joined. I liked your intro as well. A little research on the front end of a project pays off big down the line. Looks like Sumi gave you some great things to read to get you started. Good luck in your venture and enjoy!!
Thanks for the warm welcome. It looks like I have about 10 years worth of reading ahead of me checking out some of the great information you all have contributed here.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

It might make your wife happy, and more amenable to your meat venture, if you get her some layers in the spring. It seems only fair, as it was her idea

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