Howdy from Tennessee!


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
East Tennessee
Just wanted to take a sec to introduce myself. My name is Lisa. I'm the proud momma of three beautiful but big kids, been married to the man of my dreams for TWENTY YEARS (whew I'm gettin old!), and have been raising chickens and other farm critters for most of my life. A few years ago me and the family had to move and due to some health and financial reasons, I had to let all my very much loved feathered friends go. Luckily for me, things have straightened themselves out (God ALWAYS comes through), and I've been able to start over. Just started buying eggs a few months ago but I already have baby calls, baby dewlaps, baby cochins, and my dream geese are in the bator now, Sebestopols! I'm so excited that I once again get to do something that I love SO much. I look forward to meeting and making lots of new friends on here and may even buy some eggs off some of you if I'm real lucky! LOL God Bless you all! Anyone that realizes how truly wonderful chickens are, is a trustworthy friend in my book!

Welcome from Florida!

Glad you are "back in the birds"!! This is a great site, you are going to love it!

I have family near Crossville, so I visit your lovely state a few times a year, such a pretty place with nice friendly folks.

Howdy back from Middle Tennessee! God is Good! So glad you are able to have your dream come true with your feather friends again!!! I'm learning myself but loving every second!
Yay! Another TN person! Welcome from Middle TN!

Come over and join us on the TN threads. There are several. Here in middle TN we are trying to hold meet ups every couple of months. It is loads of fun!

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