HOWDY to all my fellow Texans!

Welcome TxFarmFun !

I spent some time in Argyle at a horse farm when I was going to North Texas. I bet it has changed a lot since then.
Howdy from Temple. We have 14 chicks (7 Black Australorps and 7 Buff Orpingtons) that are almost two weeks old. My kids are having a blast talking to them and petting them. Little buggers sure eat a lot! Um, both the kids and the chickens LOL! The coop is finished and I'm waiting for warm weather and feathers.
Thanks for the welcome. Troy is just up the road maybe 15 miles.
I'm a displaced Texan. Born and raised in Lewisville TX, not far from Argyle. I went to North Texas too.
Hello I'm in Dallas proper and really want to have chickens. I'm going to go to Ideal and get some peeps this week but I need to know what to do with the extra birds I have to get. Does anyone know where I can get the chickens butchered near Dallas? Thanks!
Welcome to the wonderful world of chickens. I lived in Dallas most of my life, but didn't have chickens. Wes is in Midlothian and may know a place to get them slaughtered. What part of Dallas are you in ?

Oh Wes ! Where are you ?
Hello greeting from Leander, it's about 35 miles from Austin, we have several chickens in the past but raccoon and neighbor's dog got them December last year. I was sad and mad, I had them for 6 years then one night they all gone.
I got to start from beginning again, now I got 43 baby chicks from Ideal Hatchery, they were mix breed, I had some heavy such as buff orpington (they are my favorite), black australorp (loved them), New Hampshire, RIR, BR, wyandottes, 5 different color of cochin and brahma, 4 different crested, golden phoenix and cubalaya; ameracuana and salmon faverolle and got 10 silkies from the guy who had chicken farm in Blanco.
I put them in my shop so I can watch them when I am bored with my work.
anyway, that's all from us


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