hows that for a trade!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Phoenix AZ
hubbs and i have been busy building a coop for our brand new chicks this week. its our first set of chickens together and he has taken charge and is having fun (until he asks me my opinion lol) so we have been keeping our eye on craigslist for coops, coop parts or just chicken wire. we found some today about half hour from out house and we went ahead and hopped in the car. we got there to discover she was selling her coop which is way bigger than ours and 5 hens and a rooster . her hens are already producing about 7 eggs a day and there were even eggs in the coop hen we got there. she was selling them for super cheap so we are going to pick it up tomorow.
the hardest part is finding a truck. i called everyone i knew and no one could help, finally i remember one other person has a truck and he had told me he was looking for a few hens and a rooster! i called and offered him a hen, a rooster and 10 bucks to get the coop and bring it to the house and he said yes!! im so excited to get chickens that are laying already since i have the patience of a toddler when it comes to wanting something in return for my work (seriously even my garden makes me mad!!) so as of tomorrow i will have 4 hens, 4 chicks, 2 coops and a big ol run!! im so excited to get some eggs

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