Huge egg-- now she's not laying


9 Years
Aug 1, 2010
Willamette Valley, Oregon
Hi all,
I am new here so please forgive me if this topic has been covered before. I searched the forums but couldn't find my exact question.

I have a Rhode Island Red who laid a GIANT egg about a week ago, and hasn't laid since.

I don't know if she's still recovering her calcium needs, or if she may have torn something or recieved some sort of internal injury from laying the huge egg.

Details: the egg was about 2 1/2 times as big as her usual eggs, it had a double yolk, and looked "veiny" all over.

She usually lays an egg about every 36 hours or so, which often have one or two "veins" on them.
She has access to oyster shell & occasionally gets yogurt or other dairy for treats.

She's still acting normal, eating fine, and goes up to the nest box frequently, but hasn't laid in 7 days.

Help Please! thanks
How old is she? If she is young, it's not all that uncommon for pullets to lay double yolkers and also lay sporadically while their repro tract is getting "on line"...


I had a Rhode Island Red do the same thing. She was about 2 years old laid pretty much every day. Every now and then she would lay a double yolker but this was bigger. This was a while ago but I remember the egg was pretty odd as well. She never laid another egg. She was never the same again either, and eventually I had to put her down. I'd give her time though this may not be the case with your girl.

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