Humidity for quail during lockdown


In the Brooder
May 10, 2022
This is our first time incubating eggs. We have 8 quail eggs that looked good after candelling when we put them in lockdown. The humidity in the incubator has always fluctuated between 40-60 and its hard to keep it steady, even trying different amounts of surface area for the water.
They are on the second day of lockdown and when we woke up this morning the humidity was only 39-40%. We added a tiny bit more water and it went up to 75%, and now its hovering around 70% which is where I would like to keep it.
My question is, when we sleep it seems the humidity drops to 40%. Has this harmed the eggs?
Alternately, if we fill enough water for the night the humidity is a steady-ish 80%. Is it better to give them a higher humidity at night if our only other choice is 40%?
We have the incubator shut for the duration, and don't want to open it, so the only way to adjust water is through squirting it through an existing porthole in the bottom.
Welcome to BYC!

75-80% is too wet and could potentially drown the chicks. I'd aim for 55-65%. To try and keep the humidity from going down, you can put a clean wet sponge or cloth to trap some of the humidity. 40% won't really hurt if it's only for an hour or so. Best of luck!

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