
In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 21, 2015

Hi everyone,
I need some help. This is my first time incubating eggs. I am going to incubate some pheasant eggs but i cannot get the humidity to rise over 74%! I have done everything the manual said and still nothing. The reservoirs with warm water and let the incubator run for hours. I have the temperature where i want it but i am waiting for humidity to rise to 87% where i set it too. Any ideas?? I do not have any eggs in yet.
I take a rag/washcloth and run it under hot water, wring it out, then set it in the incubator. You won't be able to set it on your incubator but you'll need to replace it every two or three days. It should rise and works very well for me. :)
I use wet sponges and I recently just found these "sponge clothes" at the dollar store that I am planning on trying for the Easter hatch.

I'm thinking of putting them under my screen floor to increase surface area if I need to.
I've never heard of running it that high. Is that recommended for pheasant eggs? It will be easier to manage your bator temp and perhaps humidity when you have eggs in it.
I just googled to see, (I figured they needed a higher humidty since they were shooting for higher), and everything I see they recommend about the same as for chickens.
I just did more research online and they recommend 60-70%. Thanks for the help everyone i was getting worried for nothing

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