

In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2017
I have a question about humidity. I am currently hatching some silkies and i've had a good 40-50% humidity, but since it has rained like two days where i live, the humidity has risen to around 60%, will this be a problem since i am only at day 13.
Are you putting water in it? If so, just take all the water out. I don't add any water until day 18 and it sounds like you're somewhere humid so that should work for you, too.
Yeah. that's the thing. i'm not even putting any water in. i decided to go with the dry method when i started incubating these. The humidity was fine (around 45%) until it started raining and it climbed up to 62%. but i put a fan in the room to see if that helps and it has gone down to 60% now. There is probably not much i can do since the ambient humidity is that high. will they be okey with that high humidity tho ?
I assume you're somewhere cool and thus not needing the AC, as that pulls humidity out of the air and would help.

Some people incubate in high humidity the whole time and do okay, so it's possible.

What species/breed are they?

There is always the option of using something like "DampRid" from Home Depot or dessicant packets like you find in food and electronics, but I don't know how I would feel about putting that in the incubator. In other threads people have suggested putting rice but I don't imagine it's very effective.
yeah you are right i live in a very cold location, but in the summer its hot and since it has rained two days in a row its rather humid in here. And i am hatching silkies. i could try the rice thing, but i think it wont work because the whole house is like a rainforest.

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