Hurricane close call

So, definitely some complications today. I was trying to cut off as much of the tree that I could so I could let the ducks out in the run, unfortunately when I cut off one big one it sort of offset the weight, and made the entire giant tree roll onto my run so now it's completely held up by chicken wire and hardware cloth, the chicken wire and hardware cloth are connected to the coop so now the back feed of the coop are suspended in the air, so I had to take the ducks out and bring them inside. Now they are in rabbit cages, and they are really not loving it. They were in the coop all day yesterday and now they're in even smaller cages today I feel so bad for them but I have nowhere else to put them. Someone is coming to help me with the large tree tomorrow so hopefully we will get rid of it, luckily my neighbors were very neighborly and helpful and they came over with a chainsaw and helped me get all the branches off my roof, it took awhile and I'm very thankful to them I am definitely going to bring them some cookies or something tomorrow.


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Bad luck on that tree: but at least it didn't come down on the duck house at night letting your little ones escape during the storm. [I always try to look on the bright side -- it could have been worse.] And its good you have help coming tomorrow so you don;t have to struggle further on your own

I have a temporary dog pen that I can use in my house -- my ducks when they are int eh house have to sleep in dog crates, but can get out and move around in the dog pen. Can you get one from a thrift store, Walmart or Tractor Supply?
I had the same idea about the dog pen, unfortunately everywhere that sold them was closed due to the hurricane. My mom and her husband came over with a chainsaw and we managed to get the tree off of the run, so the coop is stable again. I moved them back out to the coop, but it's going to take some work before the run is ready for them again

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