Hurricane Matthew is coming for us


5 Years
Mar 12, 2014
Fern Park, Florida
Wasn't sure where to post this but a category 4 hurricane is an emergency.
I happen to live just a short 30min drive from the happiest place on earth and yet it's anything but happy right now. We haven't hit the run for it stage here in Orlando and rarely do but we are going to get walloped. So my problem is do I leave my girls in their perfectly safe coop or bring them into the garage? I know physically they will be safe and sound, but I worried about the stress of all the rain and wind that will arrive during the night ( cause what self respecting storm comes during the day) and if most likely when we loose power there won't be any light for them to see. I'm afraid they will freak out and hurt themselves, they lost it with a horrible lighting storm a few weeks ago but it was during the day and had some light at the time. So my question is bring them in or let them ride it out in their own house and pray for the best? Is there anything I can do to lessen the stress? I have an extra large size dog crate (the plastic type they fly on air planes) they love it, I've let them come and go in it to get used to it in case of this exact situation. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
They might be safer in the garage, but if they are used to the coop, then that's where I would leave them, because they will be least stressed there, as that is their home and they feel safe there.. But if there's danger that the coop might blow away, than I might rethink that and put them in the garage or wherever they are least likely to get blown away. When we have a major storm here, our flock runs for the barn (where they live) and if it is going to be a very bad storm I always know because the birds will lie on the floor. Which, of course, would be the safest place they can be, out of the wind. They always know when a bad storm is coming, before it hits, and they know what to do. But we don't have hurricanes here, though we have had very nasty wind storms, so your situation is a little different. Use your best judgment.

Stay safe and be careful.
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There's slim to no chance the coop will go anywhere, my hubby went into overkill mode, he buried the posts 3 feet down and filled in with cement. They are still young and don't go up into the roost when it rains, they hide under the roost and complain about getting wet, they only go up if it's dark and the light comes on. I'm going to get solar lights tomorrow just incase I leave them outside.
Wasn't sure where to post this but a category 4 hurricane is an emergency.
I happen to live just a short 30min drive from the happiest place on earth and yet it's anything but happy right now. We haven't hit the run for it stage here in Orlando and rarely do but we are going to get walloped. So my problem is do I leave my girls in their perfectly safe coop or bring them into the garage? I know physically they will be safe and sound, but I worried about the stress of all the rain and wind that will arrive during the night ( cause what self respecting storm comes during the day) and if most likely when we loose power there won't be any light for them to see. I'm afraid they will freak out and hurt themselves, they lost it with a horrible lighting storm a few weeks ago but it was during the day and had some light at the time. So my question is bring them in or let them ride it out in their own house and pray for the best? Is there anything I can do to lessen the stress? I have an extra large size dog crate (the plastic type they fly on air planes) they love it, I've let them come and go in it to get used to it in case of this exact situation. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
do yall have any hurricane straps if u do then put them on the coop and it shouldn't move
Since you've already practiced the drill of putting them in the travel kennel, do that and bring them inside. I believe that would be less stressful than the coop/run. Then if you decide to evacuate, they are either ready to go with you, or already secure so that's one less last minute decision to make. We have lots of hurricane experience here.
Well the new forecast has made the decision for us. The girls will be in the garage Thursday night and most if not all of Friday.
Would a sound machine help keep them calmer? We are inland and still supposed to get winds sustained over 70, and that makes one heck of a racket.

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