Hurricane prep question...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
We are starting to get the winds from Sandy. I live in northern RI we have lots of pines that only have branches at the top. Our coop is in the midst of such trees.

When Irene hit last year I let the chickens out to find protection in the woods - but we got the hardest part of the storm during the day.

Sandy is predicted to be the most intense late this afternoon in tonight.
I am afraid that if I leave them in the coop something could happen, but if I let them out what if they don't come back in at night?

Any suggestions would be most appreciated as I am starting to get nervous!
Do you have a large dog crate that you could bring them into a garage, basement, or other room inside your home? I'd be afraid of letting them roam into the woods as they might become some preditors lunch. If you don't have a crate what about bringing them into a bathroom and closing them in? How many hens?
Thanks- no I have too many hens and a rooster to be able to crate and bringing them in the house isn't an option. They have a 20x30 penned area, though they are usually free ranging. I have let them into the penned area and will just keep an eye on them.


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