Hurt chicken can't stand or walk well - no signs of injury


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
Upperco, MD
Went out to feed and water tonight and noticed one of our hens was laying in the corner of the coop instead of perching. I figured something was wrong so we picked her up and moved her, sat her back down and she is all wobbly. Doesn't want to move her left leg - trying to take steps with the right but then trying to resist moving the left. She can move but it is very unstable. She's a little over 2 years old andd we stretched out her leg and can't see any visable signs of injury. We set up a crate for her in our basement because its warm down there. Hoping if she's seperated from the others she can heal if she is able to. Not sure if the other chickens would have tried killing her or if they hurt her in the first place. When we try to pet her she dives into the straw seeming to kind of 'hide' in the back of the crate. Food and water is in there and I saw her eat a little when placing it directly infront of her. Any thoughts of what it could be or anything else I should be doing? I don't want to lose her but if she's not better soon I may take her to the vet to be PTS so she doesn't suffer...definitely don't want it to come down to that, though. They are our babies.
Could it be mites? We had another sick bird a while ago and took her to the vet and he saw mites. We have treated the coop twice since then but I never can see any on the birds...I hope they aren't all slowly dying :(((

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