hurt wing


12 Years
Mar 17, 2007
Lancaster, PA
Yesterday my son was carryinghis 3 week old chick, Mrs. Lewis(I have no idea why he named her that) and she flew out of his hands right onto the basement cement floor. She seemed fine all night. Just now I went down to look at them and she was lying down and kind of leaning to the left side. I got her out, tried to get her to walk and she wouldn't so I picked her up and let her perch on my finger(low to the ground) because she will usually fly(well, if you can call it that) I don't see or feel anything broken or out of place. Do you think she just bruised it? What should I do?
use a piece of Popsicle stick with a Small piece of String or tape to make a splint if she is moving it at all it isn't broke try that but not for more then a few days

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