Husband is really going to kill me over my chicken math skills!!!

I think I'm starting to get the hang of chicken math. I have 6 BAs. My husband thought that was plenty, but then made me a coop big enough for 10-12
And at 6 weeks old, I definitely have 2 roos, possibly 3 or 4. So I at least have to get enough to replace the two. I found someone on Craigslist who was downsizing his 6 week old RIRs, which was perfect being the same age, and not needing the brooder. I told him I'd probably take 2...came home with 4, which I don't think is too bad.
He had about 15, so it could have been a lot worse!
You see, that's just it! No one knows or appreciates how strict we chicken people are with ourselves. With all the chickens we are exposed to, it could be so much worse if we didn't exercise our self-control!
What to do?!?! I see lots of you have the same problem as me.... went into the feed store today to buy more pine shavings and they have golden laced wyandottes! That was the one I REALLY wanted and didn't get!! But, my chicks are all off the heat lamp and are getting ready to transition outside... do I really want to start over again with chicks?!?!? HELP ME! I would have to give up my Barred Rock, but I am pretty sure my Ancona is a Roo and will be heading to a friend's farm anyhow. Trying to justify at least 2 more chicks.... Hubby tells me to just wait two years and we can add to our flock and do some remodels to our coop then...

Its like trying to save me from myself! Must. not. go. near. feedstore.
Oh, it's only 2 more. . . or 3. . . or 4. Golden Laced Wyandottes, just what you wanted! Do it! Go get them! You're asking the wrong people for help here!!
I just had a conversation with my hub, he was wondering how many chickens I have now (with tone). I told him, look I know how many I can manage, my numbers go up and down till I get the right bird color and egg color combination I want, Its not like I have 40 horses or something. I have always exersized such restraint on my livestock, never having more than I can manage myself, right now I have 2 miniature horses and thats it, even though I would love one of every color too but I dont want to trim feet on more than the two.

Well I didnt hear another peep out of the husband after that and now he endures my endless chicken talk and happily helped me put a rain gutter on my large coop

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