Husband just doesn’t understand the grief with losing a few chickens.


Aug 13, 2020
Pipestem, Wv
I’ve been pretty down today as my favorite turkey died this morning and was so sweet. She would climb up into my lap and would sleep and I just loved her. Then I came home to see that my older chicks had stomped to death one of my babies. So I move my older chicks to their outside run and one of my prized silkies had drown in the water dish and I had hatched this one. Then my duck egg that I tried to assist hatch due to it being in the wrong position died.

that was 4 of my animals in one day. I cried. I’m also 8 months pregnant so that doesn’t help with the hormones and he told me that you just gotta suck it up and that death is apart of farm life and I told him that I actually loved those birds as pets. He since has tried to cheer me up but he thinks they are just birds. Maybe to him they were but I loved them very much.
What an absolutely horrible day!! I would be bawling my eyes out! They're not "just birds," and a lot of people here understand that. I read something by a neuropsychologist that said we, as people, are hardwired to bond with beings that are dependent on us and appreciate our care. Those were your dependents.

Yeah, death is a part of life, but so is grief. If we didn't love, it wouldn't hurt. You have my deepest sympathy!

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